Aurélien Guichard

Aurélien Guichard comes from a line of seven generations of perfumers. He perpetuated this family know-how by becoming a perfumer at an early age and recently took over a business of rose grower in Grasse.

Each of his creations reflects the respect of an oral transmission collected with great attention and tenderness. He considers perfumery as a way of life, where sense of observation, sensitivity to others and generosity are the qualities of the perfumer. His inspiration comes mainly from the exchanges with the people he meets.

Coffeeze, Ambraser and Ultrahot perfumes from Maison JUS are by Aurélien Guichard.


Refillable Perfume from 60 €


Refillable Perfume from 50 €


Refillable Perfume from 50 €

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